Monday, February 11, 2013

Ugh, health insurance

A brief rant about health insurance.

 I get health insurance through my lab, at a specific institution. However, while I am paid through the institution, I am not actually a student there, but a visiting doctoral student. I am a matriculated doctoral student at another institution.

Apparently, the institution where I work is changing their policy. I now have to pay for their health insurance out of pocket, since I am not a student there. I can't afford this.

My other option is to enroll in the health insurance program at the institution in which I am a registered student. However, I can't, because I am not paid through that institution.

I would go off health insurance entirely, since I am lucky enough to be very healthy and stupid enough not to worry about the future, but doing so is illegal. My parents cannot afford me back as a dependent.

I am in health insurance limbo, and it sucks.

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